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[RC] So if I wanted an endurance Arab, how would I find out more? - Jennifer Adam

Bruce Weary wrote:

We're looking for an Arab this time. I may be a slow learner, but I ain't stupid, ya know. Dr Q, world renowned, but intellectually challenged

Okay, I'm not saying that anyone has managed to change my mind about my mustang's potential for endurance, but I ain't stupid either and it is clear that Arabs do have certain advantages over most other horses. I actually looked at getting an Arab before I fell in love with my mustang, and I have to say I was disappointed by what I found in my area. Obviously I need to know more! Most of the Arabs in my area are of the glitzy, sissy show type. Beautiful - but far too silly to ride on a long trail, IMHO. I talked to different breeders and told them what I was looking for - I told them I had always heard Arabs were high strung, and they all told me that really they're just sensitive. Perfect! I love sensitive horses with a lot of spirit - as long as they're smart too. I mean, a horse on a long trail needs to have a certain amount of common sense, I don't care how great his cannon bones or recovery times are! But the prospects I looked at were ridiculously spooky, had bad attitudes, or had problems that made them unsuitable for sports. (One I remember had already had several bouts with ulcers and colic and he was only 5). But a good friend of mine has a 13 year old grade Arabian who is just the coolest thing on four legs - he goes anywhere at any speed and recovers in a blink, plus he's friendly and doesn't act goosy on the trail. I would love an Arab like him! I know training has a lot to do with it - but a horse that spooks at the sound of its own fart (true story) is not a good candidate for the trail! So - can anyone tell me where to go to find out information about endurance Arabs? Bloodlines, etc? And - sorry to admit this, folks - but I don't know the difference between terms like "Egyptian bred Arabs" and "Shagya Arabs" and I don't know who Crabbet was (I can imagine the collective gasp of dismay from all you Arab owners out there). I already visited the AHA web site and I've ordered the owner's guide and all that. Where esle do I look for some education??

Jen (who loves all horses, but especially three mustangs, a fat Paint, and my mother's Saddlebred - and who might - just might - someday have room to love an Arab too) <G>

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Re: [RC] Tevis, Truman Prevatt