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Re: [RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy? - Karen Sullivan

Taking a stab at  this...
There may be a reason for the bars growing so fast and substantial. Perhaps he has weak heels and heel buttress...the bars are helping support the back of the foot until the rear structures get stronger.
If he was more toe-landing in shoes, his heels may be weak..and now heel landing barefoot....he may be trying to compensate.  In any case, I don't see reasons to remove the bars....
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 6:05 AM
Subject: [RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy?

Briefly. I pull shoes afte my horse's last event of the year, give him a quick trim & he runs around until the spring barefoot. (PLEASE no barefoot discussion, NOT interested!!!) Everything is just a muddy mess and we ride trails & speeds that don't need shoes or I use ez boots if we go to somewhere more serious.  This year his rear bars have been growing like crazy after I pulled his shoes, and I mean crazy!  Thick, wide and fast.  Front bars growing faster too but not so crazy.  Hoof wall seems to be growing at its usual slow winter growth rate, but not his bars.  Angles, lengths all as they have been.  My ex-farrier, still my good friend says its fine, just differrent stress to his heels.  None of the other non-endurance horses on my place are doing this. I've just been trimming them, hes moving square, even, sound, but its freaking me out.  Anyone experience this or have any theories?   Again spare me discourse on competing barefoot this horse can not compete barefoot.  Not saying others can't but he can't.

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[RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy?, Jon . Linderman