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[RC] Help ! From other farriers and/or vets - Jody Rogers-Buttram

Hello all,
  I have a 5 year old mare, nice 3/4 arab that should be doing something productive by now besides taking up space and eating.  She is not a large horse, about 14.2...but very fat now.  For those who know me and Rose, she is out of Rose...my endurance mare.  Anyway, I can't keep her sound with shoes on.  Now, lets just bypass all the barefoot/shoe stuff....for now.  Here is what happens.  I consider myself to be a half-way decent farrier.  Went to school back in the mid 80's and worked for the public most of the time since then.  So, I do know how to shoe a horse.  I have been shoeing my endurance horses for years now...like since the mid 80's.  Never had a soundness problem on any of them.  So, here is what happens.  She seems to be very sensitive in the sole.  I am thinking sole pressure from the shoe.  I have tried to be very careful and make sure she is having no sole pressure.  I can shoe her, she will be sound.  Ride her, and then she will be off.  Not just off...lame.  Always the right front.  I pulled the shoe the other day, (she was lame before the shoe came off)...and just for kicks and giggles, I put an easy boot on her.  Had Joni trot her down the driveway....sound.  So, I was wondering...maybe I have to use easyboots.    But since that is not the most practical way to go in the SE...I need to figure out the shoe thing.  I haven't taken her to the vet.  I know that he will most likely say, she is bruised and just give her time.  What, most of the lamenesses in horses are in the hoof right???  But, I can find no bruise, no abcess, no sensitivity to hoof testers.  And this has been going on since late spring.  I have tried pads...no good, wide web shoes, no good, and the other day, I tried a very lite, extra easy rim shoe.  She was sound.  So, I rode her 5 miles.  Then she was lame.  No swelling or sensitivity in the leg anywhere.  I am about out of ideas.  Now, I haven't actually ridden her with the easyboots...but that is coming soon.  I need this horse to work.  I didn't raise her to be a problem.  She hasn't always been like this.  We did ride her off and on during her 4 year old year( getting her broke) and she was sound.  I suppose it could be an injury and maybe that x-rays will show something.  So, the vet is most likely in the future for her.  But, I did think I would see if anyone here had any ideas....that I haven't thought of.  Again, if I pull the shoes and turn her out for...a month or more...she will come back sound.  Shoe her...ride her one time...lame again.
Frustrated in Alabama,

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