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Re: [RC] New Ride Manager Questions - Chris Paus

how cool and exiciting.  A new ride! Dang, I wish Nevada wasnt' so far away from Kansas!
I like lots of markings. don't forget you can use "pie plates" or other markers to mark turns. My biggest bugaboo about trail marking is where two or more trails intersect and you have no idea which way is the right way to go. Pie plates or somethign with arrows really helps in those cases.
On our local trails, the "off" trails or places we are not to go are marked with yellow ribbon. It simply means "don't go there." Might be a hazard or just part of the trail we're not using.
Maps are nice, but if a trail is well marked, I rarely consult the map. As for t-shirts, I've seen RMs just have large and xlarge. Even the featherweights and lightweights generally like a loose t-shirt.
Good luck!

Aaron Turnage <ajandcrysta@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I just mailed my sanctioning request for my very first ride!  =)  I'm so excited to manage an AERC ride.  While I haven't managed an AERC ride before, I have coordinated and managed several Saddle-Up for St. Jude charity events in the last few years.  We usually have 100 riders or so plus all the logistics that go with that (entries, marking trails, food, etc).  I do have a few questions for you more experienced managers though:
1.  I would like to do T-shirts as completion awards.  This is something that has become more rare in my part of the Western Region (Reno).  I've only received 2 shirts in 3 years of riding.  But what type of breakdown in sizes typically works best?  Should I have this as an option on the entry form and then just order a few extra, assuming everyone will show up and finish and also accomodate those riders that don't pre-register?  Do an estimate based on weight division?
2.  About how many trail markers should I plan on?  10 per mile?  This is a NIGHT RIDE so I'll be doing glowbars as well.  Now is a good time of year to buy them!  =)  My St. Jude ride was for those more "novice" riders when it came to following a trail and was WAY overmarked.  I can't do that for 50 miles worth but definitely know that more is better than less.  We'll also be doing lime, etc.
3.  Any other good suggestions?  What are some "fun" awards you have given to those mid-pack finishers?
Thanks for any and all tips and suggestions!
Crysta Turnage
Where Are We Going? Night Ride
Tentative June 10, 2006
Reno, Nevada

"Slowee, slowee catchee monkey," Rudyard Kipling, from The Jungle Book
Chris Paus
Lake Region SWA  http://lakeregionswa.fws1.com

[RC] New Ride Manager Questions, Aaron Turnage