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RE: [RC] probiotics that contain milk products, such as yogurt - Stephanie E Caldwell

What about the new Soy and Rice Yogurts? The Stoneyfield brand is excellent and my horse loves the Banana flavor!




-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of LTYearwood@xxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 1:17 AM
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC] probiotics that contain milk products, such as yogurt


The yogurt seems to work for pro-biotics, as I have tried it and seen good results.


However, after seeing a post here on ridecamp about the oddity/danger of feeding a horse something with milk in it -- the person who placed the post said horses don't have milk in their naturl diet --  I began to do a little research. I learned that others found it odd to give a horse something with milk in it, too. For example, here is what Catherine Bird, author of A Healthy Horse The Natural Way, wrote:



"Some natural heatlh practitioners recommend feeding yoghurt to a horse with a troubled digestive sytem, to re-establish the bowel bacteria. In my opinion, this unwise. After being weaned, a horese's gut is intolerant to milk products. Milk products could even cause a colic episode in your horse is particularly sensitive. Horses were never meant to drink other mammal's milk. Goat's milk is for baby goats, cow's milk is for calves and neither are for horses, so please avoid them.


If you suspect that your horse has depleted levels of healthy bowel bacteria, probiotics (a live, microbial feed supplement) designed to blaance the gut bacteria of your horse are commerically available...."


I'm not a scientist. Nor am I a vet. And like I said, yogort with milk had wokred for me. But this above mentioned logic makes sense to me. So I now use live probitiocs in a liquid form (they require referigation though) that are lactose free. My horses respond very well and very quickly to it.




I used to spend so much money on probiotics! Now I buy it at the health food market. I

[RC] probiotics that contain milk products, such as yogurt, LTYearwood