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Re: [AERCMembersForum] Re: [RC] 100 Mile One Day Rides - Maggie Mieske

Here's a shameless plug for our ride in two weeks...(thanks for the idea,
the Wolverine Ride has brought back the 100 miler (August 6) this year.  I
have to have support from riders to keep it going for NEXT year.  One rider
who pledged to ride but couldn't, donated the BC award.  That helped, too!
But I gotta have riders!  I have had a LOT of inquiries and maybes this year
but no "official" entries as of yet.  The Wolverine is tough...no lie.  But
it is doable and safe and FUN... the group of people that work with me to
make this ride possible is phenomenal.  It's like a family reunion.  You
have to come and find out for yourself!!!  :)  But, please keep your dog on
a leash!
Maggie Mieske


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[RC] 100 Mile One Day Rides, Joe Long
Re: [RC] 100 Mile One Day Rides, Barbara McCrary