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[RC] OT Clippers - drhopkins

Went to Equine Affaire in Ohio and watched a lady who clippers horses in 
Florida for a living.  She was using the Andis ACG Super 2-speed with T-84 
blades (wider than average).  I have a very hairy Icelandic and she still 
recommended it.  I was skeptical, but got it and did a full body clip with 
it.  Worked fine.  Had to go a bit slower thru the really thick rump hairs, 
but did it all in one session and was happy with the results.  Not bad for a 
first time clipping (for both horse and owner).  There is a pretty good deal 
on these going on in most catalogues, about $130 for the clippers with a case, 
video (by the same woman who gave the demo), and clipper oil.  I have heard 
that the Double K clippers do a decent job too and it has the motor on a belt 
attachment.  I think they were about twice the price in the Country Supply or 
Valley Vet cat.   Good Luck



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