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[RC] AHA Trail Ride - don't think I'll go... - Kristi Schaaf

My boss just brought in her latest Arabian Horse
Magazine, and while browsing it I saw an ad for the
first annual AHA Trail Ride. It's located within
driving distance (albeit a long haul) from me at Fort
Robinson Nebraska, which is a place I've always wanted
to ride. So I contemplated going - all meals served,
the chance to meet Sheila Varian, fun horseback games,
riding near buffalo etc. I'm not into group trail
rides but this one sounded like an exception. THEN I
read the trail etiquette page and what I saw reminded
me why I don't want to ride in a group that isn't
comprised of distance riders. It says: "When watering
along the trail don't allow your horse to 'guzzle'
water; they should only be allowed small amounts at
each watering hole", and "After he is cooled out, give
him small amounts of water until he is satisfied.
Practice the same routine with feed. Digestion
requires blood, and if the horse is fatigued, he needs
the blood to replenish his system. Too many demands
upon his system may give him colic. Start with a small
amount of feed, with the major feeding later that
evening.". Gawd, I hope they really do mean FEED and
not HAY in regard to this directive. There's no
mention of how to feed hay at all, so who knows.... OK
- this is not my ball of wax. Guess I'll stick to
plain horse camping and distance events...Kristi
iluvdez at yahoo dot com

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