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Re: [RC] death valley - Lynne Glazer

Well, an e-mail from Dave Nicholson just now said that it didn't rain today, but was cold and windy. That's DVE! :-)

It's been extreme weather all right--so bad last night that the power pole fell over last night, and was suspended by its wires over my place at a 45 degree angle/the "sword of Damocles". Edison about had a fit when they found out I stayed there last night and worked there today, the voltage is 12,000 in that line. Tomorrow they're gonna dig a new hole for the pole, they left one of their trucks here holding it up for now. Quite the photo opportunity.


On Dec 29, 2004, at 7:56 PM, Mike & Kathy Kelly wrote:

Well, I drove all the way there, camped 12/27 and it rained all night and was still pouring when I left to come back home the morning of 12/28.? The road was flooded out in places, it was a little scary driving across some spots around Trona on the way out, I sure wouldn't have wanted to be in a car.? With so much rain in the forecast and some flooding already going on, I high-tailed it home.? Way too much driving and my horse is disgusted, but we made it home safely (to more flooding and now snow).
I really hope that it dried out since we left and that everyone is OK, I just couldn't risk getting stuck there for a week, which seemed like a real possibility at the time.?
Kathy Kelly
Parks AZ
has anyone heard about death valley ride??? there is some serious weather going on in that area.? just curious.

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[RC] death valley, Ericka Nelson
Re: [RC] death valley, Mike & Kathy Kelly