The only example I've seen on steel toed boots crushing toes was back in
1969. Was a photographer onboard the aircraft carrier Constellation.
In the Tonkin Gulf. You know that little war we had over in Viet
Nam. They were pulling an F-4 Phantom with a plane mover, at about a mile
an hour. The plane captain saw something he didn't like and stepped under
by the wheel to hit something with a pry bar. The wheel rolled over his
foot. I got called up to take pictures of the operation. It crushed
the steel toe on his shoe, pulled it off and took all the flesh off
his foot and left the bones. They had to take his foot just in front
of the ankle. I doubt that a horse that weighs 1000# could crush a steel
toe by just stepping on it. Maybe if the horse got really pissed and went
up on his hinds and came down with an attitude could he crush it to do that
damage. Check with the manufacturer, they have gotta have specs on the
shoes. G.Affleck
"...Oh, are
steel toed shoes safe?My husband
wants me to get some. I wonder why? I have been told if you get stepped on
with steel toes the steel will bend and amputate your toes. ..."
That rumor has been around for at least 40
years. It is often used by industrial workers who don't want to wear the
required steel toed shoes required by OSHA. OSHA doesn't buy that.
The required crush resistance of the steel toed shoes is much greater than the
strength of you toes. If something much heavier than a horse (say a
freight train) ran over and crushed a steel toe on a boot, your toes would
have been amputated anyway.
The other excuse is that steel toes are cold in the
winter. That one is true. You can purchase shoes/boots with OSHA
approved hard toes made from plastic now.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875