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Re: [RC] Fwd: [RC] ? dogs in camp - Barbara McCrary

I've had riders complain about loose dogs coming by their camp, stealing
food, peeing in helmets or on saddles momentarily left on the ground.  Dogs
being the animal they are with their distinctive social order, there will be
trouble amongst them.  That's why it's absolutely essential that dog owners
and campers keep their dogs confined at all times during an endurance event.

Barbara McCrary
Ride manager, Swanton Pacific 75/100
"The most beautiful trail in the world"

----- Original Message -----
From: <Merryben@xxxxxxx>
To: <RIDECAMP@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 8:38 AM
Subject: [RC] Fwd: [RC]   dogs in camp

Yes, what you say is true.  But let's make it fair for all.  If my dog was
tied to the trailer and somebody's cute little small dog came up and got
eaten, it would most certainly be the big nasty German Shepherd's fault.

I was at a dog trial once and while walking by the breed ring on the way
to my obedience ring a beagle jumped out and big my german shepherd on the
hind leg.  He turned and snarled at the beagle but did not attack him.  The
lady with the beagle started yelling at me to get my viscious dog away from
her little darling.  It was quite funny at the time.

I happily keep my dog in the camper or the horse trailer because he is
safe there.  However, when other's loose dogs come and pee on my stuff, eat
stuff, and generally make a nuisance out of the themselves, it is annoying
to say the least and it is against the rules of the rides....mb


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[RC] Fwd: [RC] ? dogs in camp, Merryben