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[RC] Hives/Allergies Natural fixes - Amy Anglin

For hives in my sensitive TB (who has mouth/teeth bacteria issues as well - I have found that teeth issues can sometimes precipitate allergic reactions - so you may want to check that he doesn't have some sort of opportunistic mouth/gum infection or a cracked tooth giving bad bacteria a place to live.)

I use 1/4 to 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar in his grain am & pm and either

1) A handful of Dried Red Clover Blossoms in his water bucket (Yummy!) or

2) Red Clover in tincture form  - 5 - 10 drops in his water bucket.

Neither fix has negative side effects and each usually works within 2 days on my guy.  There are other benefits of cider vinegar, including helping to stop the formation of enteroliths. You can use it alone for hives and allergies or mix it with the Red Clover.  Red Clover is a general tonic that can be used daily or just as needed without adverse effects. 

Good luck!

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