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[RC] High Horses + Ridecamp - erika p moore

"High Horses" = I consider a horse to be high if he is past 15.3 hands tall.  Hehehehe....just kidding.
I was asked to explain what I meant by that statement and would be happy to do so.
Lets see if I can do it in two minutes before I have to RUN to work.....
I live in NH, way across the country from most of you (I think) and there arent a lot of big rides or lots of endurance people around.  I came to ridecamp to learn.  And I learned how to take a balanced view of many subjects such as drinking from water troughs, how to look at breeding, showing, the different things one has to consider in clothing for rides, ah, and my personal favorite - tailing.  Of which Henry thinks I am an idiot to try with him.  Saddle fitting was a big one, and I appreciate all those who did help me in finding what I needed and wanted.  That is what ridecamp is advertised as, and educational forum for endurance riders.
However, when things such as gross complaints surface, and blunt defenses are made - in public - that should not be acceptable.  I dont know Voodoo, I dont know Lynne, I dont know Heidi, I dont know Bette, or Sylvia, or ANYONE on ridecamp personally.  I bet I am not the only one here who has never met any of you.  I think that is a shame, because you all seem like great, bold horse people who I would feel privileged to meet.  But that doesnt mean I want to hear every word of an arguement between you and another.
I think it is sad that some dont respect what RMs can do for us, and I think that it is sad that some feel as though they must raise themselves over one another - again and again and again and again - just to try and prove a point and "win".  
I have learned that one can not make someone else believe something just because they want to
Ridecamp, like you said is a forum open to anyone, which is part of its appeal.  But its not a complaint center and its not a place to hold arguements where your only perogative "seems" to prove how right you are and how wrong the other person is.
I hold to the fact that I am completely and utterly neutral in the past discussions and only hope that it will end soon.  I want to stay and learn more, but its a waste for me to spend 90% of my time hitting the delete button, I have more important things to do.
If this is not the norm for Ridecamp, please prove me wrong.  Plus, I have many more questions to ask!  Like what should I use to clean my brushes and grooming gear?  I have a ton of brushes but they are SO gross - is Dawn okay or should I use something else?
Erika and Henry (who needs a good brushing! :)