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Re: [RC] peeing - Barbara McCrary

Our son-in-law's horse (Reggie) pees after a ride, on our paved driveway.
Mine prefers soft beds of redwood needles.  I believe that most horses
prefer not to be spattered, but Reggie couldn't care less.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A. Perez" <walkergirl@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 2:10 PM
Subject: [RC] peeing

I've heard (or maybe I read it here) that horses that
only pee in their stalls do it because the bedding keeps the
urine from splattering their legs. which would explain
why some horses will go in grass but not on the trail.

I trained my dogs to pee-on-command simply by saying 'Go pee'
while they did their mandatory pre-pee sniffing, then praising
them like crazy when they peed.  Of ocurse it's alot easier with
dogs, who pee early and often (gotta mark that territory!)

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And remember, an arab's fourth gait is the spook!
~  Jeanie Miller

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There must be a full understanding between the horse and rider for entry
into the top competition brackets. There must be a confidence established
that the desired position is attainable. There must be a caring for the
horse, on the part of the owner, so as to not exceed the physical limits in
the heat of competition. There must be a well planned training program that
will result in the necessary equine attributes. 
~  Bob Morris

ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/


[RC] peeing, A. Perez