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[RC] scratches - Winter, Randy or Cheryl

We got a new horse last October with lots of chrome on him.  Came with a set
of scratches.  Used the traditional clean, medicate and  wrap, but they kept
advancing steadily.  After several sessions of having to sedate him to clean
them completely because they were becoming to painful to handle we had to
resort to Prednisone and oral antibiotics in one course, and then had to do
the prednisone again for a complete month.  FINALLY after five months we saw
them go.  What did I learn with this persistent case.  I think Bette could
be right in certain cases that the moisture under the wraps could make it
worse even though keeping the sun off is good.  We used DMSO with Triple
antibiotic, hydrocortisone and Vitamin A type cream base.  Then moved into
prescription strength steroid cream, and started using an antifugal cream
also.  Towards the end I tried the Trail Rite cream, and with all of these
things used at different times got rid of it.  We took him off anything,
even vitamins that could add to a possible photosensitive problem especially
if it had an alfalfa base to it.  Then started adding back one thing at a
time for a week to see if it affected anything.  I think I will try a sun
block spray this summer since he has a fine haircoat with very pink skin in
the white areas.  Have been preventative with destin ointment in the pink
areas to block sun, wash his legs with betadine when they get too dirty and
dry them off well.  Any little nick or bumpy type feeling thing gets a layer
of Trail rite or destin right away.
I have heard that in alkali soil that washing the legs down with a 10%
vinegar wash will help neutralize the affect of the soil on the skin.
whatever you do, try to check the legs daily at feeding time or whenever,
and anything that feels suspicious get after it.  So far this spring we are
holding them off pretty well.


They're athletes! This is a partnership between horse and rider - we don't
have any jockeys out there, just pals and partners. We'd allow a rider with
a broken foot, a sore back and a nasty cold to compete - but we would never
let a horse in a similiar condition hit the trail. 
~  Dr. Barney Flemming DVM

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