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[RC] Access to Public lands - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Sharon King gatrail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I too agree with you and Jim on a lot of points, but as the world stands right 
now this is the hand we have been dealt.  Hammering the FS on the rules that 
they must follow is senseless?they are doing what they are instructed to do.  
As far as Dawn?s comment that not every Forest will adopt the same ruling on 
trails as Chatt-O, if I were a betting person I would say ?yes, they will?this 
is what is wanted, the protection of the environment.?  Things must be changed 
from the top by the ones who set in place all the rules and mindless 
regulations in the name of ?protecting the environment?.  To make a long story 
short Nixon/LBJ to get the country off their screw ups in Vietnam thought that 
if they did something good back home to protect the environment (remember the 
hippy generation) that they would get kudos and it has grown from there.  Bush 
is trying to cut back on some of the ridiculous red tape that FS must comply 
with by repealing some of the EPA rulings but he is getting a backlash from the 
Democrats and environmentalist that he is not concerned with the environment.  
Our government IS out of hand and establishes rules to govern far too much of 
our lives and we need to get involved in what our officials are doing?but the 
vast majority of the population could care less as long as the government 
continues to support and take care of them so they don?t have to be responsible 
for themselves, but that is another argument that we don?t need to get into 

I also agree with FS as usage grows methods of developing maintainable trails 
must be addressed; that it has reached a point that the resource can not be 
protected with improperly constructed eroded trail developed by whomever it 
pleases in order to have his own private trail system in the National Forest is 
no longer an option (this goes for equestrians, hikers, bikers and ATV?ers).

Jim, I agree with Nancy we need to get angry but in a constructive way?.address 
it to the top.  As Debbie Caffin the Region 8 Wilderness and Rec. Specialist 
that rode with us while touring the trails stated ?if you want to get something 
done, don?t direct it at the man in the field take it to his supervisor?s 
boss?s boss?.   At this time this is Robert Jacobs Regional Forester and Jim 
Miller in Washington D.C., along with our states political representation.

How many equestrians have approached their political representatives to sign on 
to the ?Right to Ride Bill? this is a big one for equestrians but how many are 
even aware of its presence.  Jerry Fruth from AERC is presenting at this year?s 
SETC on Equestrians and Politics, we must get informed and involved or we will 
continue to be pushed out.

Jim you know from our past correspondences that I can get long winded but this 
is important and most folks don?t give a sh-t till it?s in their backyard and 
their trail system is being affected.

The main question, how do you wake folks up?how do you get them involved?the 
continued closure of public lands is an issue and will continue to be an 
issue?.there is just not enough folks willing to fight for it.  Jim, start a 
grassroots movement for the national heritage of horses on trails.  Dr. Woods 
will be presenting this at SETC and it is enough to bring tears to your eyes 
and a lump in your throat?.horses were meant to be on trails but the vast 
majority of Americans who have never been exposed to a horse or even want too 
don?t see it that way.  These are the folks we are up against.

Our best bet is to first unite equestrians (which is a monumental task in 
itself?we are far to scattered in various endeavors and even in the trail world 
endurance riders and competitive folks are at odds?seeing one sport better than 
the other).  Although I must say that for SETC this year AERC, SEDRA, GERA, 
along with NATRC and Region 5 of NATRC are all sponsors.   Then we must unite 
with other users groups.  Jim, I know you have a lot of energy and when you put 
your mind to something it will happen?just make that energy constructive.

We are all after the same thing just in different ways?if we don?t like the 
rules then we get the rules changed, we don?t attack the messenger or the one 
that must comply with those rules.

Here?s to the continuation of HORSES ON TRAILS!!!!!

===========================================================The two best drugs 
to have in your kit are Tincture of Time and a Dose of
Common Sense. These two will carry you through 99.999% of the problems
associated with horses and endurance competition.
~ Robert Morris

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