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Re: [RC] Another thought about suitability - Truman Prevatt

You might be surprised. My old walking horse was able to successfully do 50's on two five mile (mostly) gallops a week and a 10 or 15 mile "conditioning ride" on the weekend. Then we got a small lot on a state forest in the sand hills and went up on the weekends and extended our big ride to 25 or so miles in the sand hills and she was able to successfully do both 50's faster and 100's. So it really is a function of the horse as much as anything else.


sharp penny wrote:

 I'm am a paint horse person..have raised trained and
successfully shown them for years. When I decided to stop
showing and concentrate on endurance I choose to get an
Ay-rab...why?...well with my job I can only ride 3 days a
week MAX and I have to haul a min of 45 minutes to ride a
trail which limits actual trail conditioning miles to once
a week(sometimes twice)...my Ay-rab,Reno, keeps his
condition easily on such a limited riding schedule ....as
Angie mentioned,it would be unfair to ask a paint to do the
same and expect them to stay sound over the long haul. I
have gone a couple of weeks with out being able to ride and
completed an easy midpack 50 with Reno..(I don't like or
recomend doin' this but it was  just one of those things..I
started the ride expecting to having to pull but Reno
breezed right through it) I can't imagine any paint being
able to do this.

 So sometimes there are other considerations for choosing
an endurance mount that new to the sport people don't



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[RC] Another thought about suitability, sharp penny