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Re: [RC] Myler combo bits - Karen Sullivan

I had a lot of interest in the combo bit as I had started my filly in a rope
halter, progressed to a sidepull,
then introduced a happy mouth rubber type snaffle with a bead in the middle.
I had thought the combo bit
would be a good transition from the sidepull to bit...but as I never found a
good deal on one, we plugged along
on the baby bit, until recently switching to a friends double jointed myler
snaffle.  What I like about that
bit is that wiggling the rein on just one side, will only affect that
side....and now I wonder with that combo bit,
since it works off the nose first, what happens when you wiggle just one
side (can they feel it as clearly as the bit
only)....hope that makes sense.

And.....I both want her really well trained with the bit, but probably my
long term hope would be to trail ride
in some sort of sidepull or Arab S hack, and have a good neck rein on her.

----- Original Message -----
From: "diane vieira" <dianevieira@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] Myler combo bits

I use a Myler combo bit with my gelding and couldn't be happier.  Mine has
triple barrel mullen bit, which is curved and fits nicely in my horse's
mouth.  It has a little "play" which he likes and I can ride with lighter
contact when he's behaving, so it's like a hackamore but lets me get his
attention and get him to drop at the poll when I need him to listen up.

The best thing to do is contact the folks at Toklat, they distribute the
Myler bits.  I had bought the bitting book, too, but still had questions.
got a very prompt reply from Barbara Garrison, email address is
barbara@xxxxxxxxxxx  She sent a little questionnaire about my horses
and what I was having problems with as well as his training level and my
riding skills.  She wrote back with several suggestions and she was right
on!  Great to get that input before putting out the big bucks unless you
find a place that will give you a trial period, I didn't have one in my

Good luck, if you get the right one, you and your horse will be really

Diane Vieira

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Re: [RC] Myler combo bits, diane vieira