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[RC] Training a green horse on the trail - Laurie Baker

Subject: Training green horse on the trail

I trained my green Arab on the trail. He spooked on the trail, but he bucked in the ring. I preferred the spooks! I did not train him behind an experienced horse. John Lyons recommends putting the green horse in front and it works great. The herding instinct slows him down and makes him want to stay with the horse behind him. I did have someone else lead in scary situations like mud or passing bears (big rocks, scary downed trees, etc.) Our most difficult experience was getting him to go by a tray of fish heads that someone left on the trail. I also found that being alone on the trail was less frightening for him than being alone in the ring, and so when there was no one available to ride with, we trained on the trail. Bring a whistle and a cell phone, just in case. I wore a Tipperary vest until I was completely comfortable. I still wear it on windy, spooky days.

Laurie Baker and Cobblestone


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