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RE: [RC] horse welfare - Margie Burton

I was also at this ride and this vet did a fine job.  Her concern was for the horse and her priority was making sure this rider took a horse home with her.
Margie Burton
Central Region
-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Larry Miller
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:22 AM
To: ridecamp
Subject: [RC] horse welfare

It is the rider's responsibility to take care of the horse.  BUT, sometimes something happens that a rider had no clue was going to happen, as in Maggie's case.  I also had a friend in the early 80s who was doing a ride in PA.  Her horse was doing great.  On about the 3rd loop, the shit hit the fan and her stud colicked for whatever reason.  Horse was taken in for surgery, he survived, he did more rides, and at age 25+ he is still getting mares pregnant.  My friend was and is a smart rider.  There was no clue that this was going to happen.  She could have not done one thing different to prevent it either.  The only thing she could do was take care of the horse when it happened.  Same with Maggie.
I would say this, don't make judgements because one day you might be in these shoes too.  If it can happen, it will.  No matter how close to the edge the horse is pushed, no matter how slow one rides, no matter how smart one rides, something ugly can  happen.  The only thing to do is to handle it to the best of one's ability when it does happen. Never say never.  Do have your horse in condition for whatever is going to be asked of it.  Do the homework and then listen to the horse.  Hope that by doing all the right things, nothing will happen.  But don't count on it. I could cross the street and be hit by a car but that doesn't mean that I am no longer going to cross streets. And Maggie has a valid point.  Communication between a rider and a vet should be a priority.  Jeanie

[RC] horse welfare, Larry Miller