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[RC] [Guest] marking trails - Ridecamp Guest

On Behalf Of Barbara McCrary

I double a piece of baling twine (taken off the bale), tie it in a loop, and
clip the clothes pins all around the loop.  That's a lot of ribbons!  Then I
sling the loop over my shoulder, diagonally across my body, with the ribbons
hanging down under my arm on the left side (I'm right-handed).  I can unclip
and dispense ribbons very easily that way.  When we retrieve the ribbons, I
clip them on loops of baling twine and hang them in our barn for use next
year.  The wrinkles hang out and the ribbons are ready to go next time they
are needed.

Barbara McCrary
Ride manager, Swanton Pacific 75/100
"The most beautiful trail in the world"

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