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[RC] looking for riding friends - LTYearwood


my name is lori. i'm new to the world of horses and endruance -- at 37, i 
bought my first horse a year and a half ago and my first endruance saddle a 
few months ago. my horse -- a wonderful arabian named Vahska -- loves it so 
much that we have been riding at elast 5 times a week for two and three hours 
at a time. 
it's been hard for me to find friends to take adventues with, as just about 
everyone i meet in the park isn't up for too much more than an hour of 
walking and trotting. i love  i really want to find someone to maybe go 
camping with or take a trip or two with. (the women i have met so far are 
married and can't leave very often.)
i would really appreciate any contacts or suggestions.
i'm not a bad rider, despite my lack of experience. but i am new and i don't 
want to ride too much alone.



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