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[RC] Bermuda and pasture - Jonni Jewell



Here are a couple web sites, that I did not look at real close, but might
have some good information. There are different types of Bermuda Grass,
depending on region. Some are seeded, some are sprigged (as was our Coastal
Bermuda) As mentioned, check with your local Ag. Extension office for
information on what would be best for your area. The Ag office is there to
help you! A wealth of information. Most of the folks that work these offices
really look forward to helping you! (I have taken weed samples in to ours to
have them tell me what they were)

We graze our Coastal Bermuda year round, and also supplement hay during the
winter. Coastal really starts to grow when it gets hot! Loves that Texas
summer. Many farmers in the area also plant a winter grass to graze the
cattle on when the coastal is dormant. Since we have 4 horses on a 25 acre
partial, we do not have a strong impact on the front pasture from grazing.

Jonni in No. Texas

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