Re: [RC] [RC] War with Iraq: A Pilots Perspective - Shelley Kerr
Watched a little bit of it on TV last night. Protestors in
Chicago blocking streets, etc. How quickly they forget about
9-11! And today is quite a showing. Seems we have everyone
backing us except those few "weak-minded" individuals and the
And yes, a big thank-you and god bless to all those american's
defending our freedom and safety!!
Subject: Re: [RC] War
with Iraq: A Pilots Perspective
Wow. What an awesome treatise on the situation today.
Unfortunately, it is not in "comic book" form and there are no bright
color pictures - so it will be lost on those weak-minded individuals
who will always blame America first and wring their hands over the
destruction of evil. I'm glad I read it, however. And Godspeed to all
those American's in uniform.