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Qualification Change for Nationals: New Stats

I appreciate the responses I have received in regards
to the possible rule change of horse/rider team
needing 500 miles to qualify for Nationals.  

In my letter I provided the following list of the top
20 riders lifetime and horse/rider team miles.
 Please review the following information.  Of the top
> 20 placers on the 50 at Nationals, only half would
> have been at the race under the new rule change
> (Instead of 124 riders you would have had 62!).  The
> (six riders had UNDER 500 LIFETIME miles), the>
second category is HORSE/RIDER COMBINATION.  >
Placings- Rider Lifetime
#1 	3265			750> 
#2	380			275> 
#3	375			300
#4	3585			500+
#5	525			475> 
#6	555			405> 
#7    15430			425> 
#8     2990			500+
#9	500			500> 
#10    5980			500+> 
#11	375			285> 
#12    1775 			500+> 
#13    2885			500+
#14	810			500+> 
#15    1225			500+> 
#16	300			300> 
#17	335			255> 
#18    1625			325
#19    1680			500+> 
#20	300			300		

I have had 10 personal emails sent to my address (I am
not sure if they posted them on Ridecamp or not).  Six
for the rules to stay the same for the reasons I had
listed and 4 felt strongly that they needed to be
harder.  One stated "what was the point of going to
Nationals if it didn't mean anything riding with these
beginners."  Another person implied that new people
didn't know how to ride and just "BURNED UP THEIR
HORSES QUICKLY" (this seems to be a common theme in
the Endurance News also).  Well I want to share the
following statistics with all of you.

THE TOP 20 LAME/METABOLIC PULLS: (All rider had over
500 LIFETIME miles and only three had under 500
horse/rider TEAM miles).
Pulled  Reason   Lifetime miles  Horse/rider miles
#1      L        5025            500+
#2      M        5245            500+
#3      L        2880            500+
#4      M        3165            500+
#5      L        3795            500+
#6      L        7380            500+
#7      L        5690            500+
#8      L        2360            500+
#9      L        3080            500+
#10     L        2370            500+
#11     M        925             500+
#12     M        4000            500+
#13     L        2600            300+ 
#14     L        9515            500+
#15     M        1515            500+
#16     M       10230            500+
#17     M        2850            500+
#18     M        1900            500+
#19     L        2265            335
#20     L         755            400

Total LIFETIME miles for those pulled 65,769.  Total
LIFETIME miles for the top 20 riders  42,395.  Jan
Worthington really racked up these miles or they would
have been a lot less per rider, she has over 15,000
miles and won 7th place.  (Just fyi 12 of the top 20
finishers had under 1,500 LIFETIME miles, whereas
only three of the PULLED FOR MET/LAME had under 1,500

I will let you look at the numbers and get your own
take on what they mean.  All I am trying to say is
that based on the emails and the overall feeling I get
from AERC I fully expected to see less qualified
riders pulled and the more qualified riders stay in
the game.  Instead the most qualified (based on miles
and rides) were much more likely to be pulled.     

What do you think?  Tami Lange	

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