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    [RC] Finish Line question for LD Riders - Steph Teeter

    I have a question for you guys:
    One of the AERC directors is proposing a Rules change to LD, where the LD
    rider's finish time would be determined by when they cross the finish line,
    rather than when the horse's pulse reaches criteria. In this proposal the
    placement (first, second, third, etc) of each competitor would then be
    determined separately by when their horse's pulse reaches criteria.
    So your ride time would be determined by when you cross the finish line.
    This is the time that would be published in AERC results, PNER results, etc,
    and this is the time that would be used to calculate BC scores.
    But placement is entirely different - it is determined by when the horse
    reached criteria.
    I would love to hear some opinions on this -
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