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Re: RC: Kinda of OT - Sarcoids?

    Is this the gelding you bought from Michelle?  Rett Butler had a small sarcoid on his flank area.  We had the field Vet try and remove it.  That was a big mistake.  It came back in two weeks and had doubled in size.  This went on for months.  After a while Rett had developed 5 new locations of the sarcoids, a total of 6 now.  One was on his tip of the ear.  To make a long story short.  We took him to Somis Clinic and they removed it with a lazer and treated it with SIS Platium (sp?) every two weeks.  Some locations were treated for 6 times some went to 12 times.  Rett has been in remission for almost 5 years now.  He is known for his cropped left front ear.  He has a wonderful race record and has never been pulled in a 50 to 100 mile ride.  He has over 2000 miles with 6 of them 100's, (3 Californio's, 2 Tevis, 1 Virgina City).  We just sold Rett to a 3 day eventer Gold Medalist that is getting into endurance, "Denny Emerson."  Since your in the S. CAl area, take the horse to Dr. Mike Giacopuzzi & Associates in Somis.  805/386-4291  Tell him Rett Butler sent you!

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
18171 Lost Creek Road
Saugus, CA 91390
661/513-9269 or  713-3912

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