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Re: Water Question.
I'm trying to interest Camelback in doing something about a
water carrier designed explicitly for horses. It wouldn't
need to be accessible from a hose the way the people packs
are, just a maximum capacity bladder in saddlebag form with
enough tiedowns to keep it in place over a long ride.
(Though it would raise interesting questions about weight
limits in competition.)
I think dual Camelback wither packs would be great for
people, too. Barring that, it would help if Sportack
made a 1 qt version of their water bottle/water holder.
I find the 1 pints way too small when one is out on one's
own for hours at a time.
I don't think I'll get anywhere, but what the heck. Squeaky
wheels and all that. It would help if I had some dim idea of
the size of the population of recreational trail riders.
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA
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