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Re: RC: cows and endurance horses

In a message dated 2/16/00 7:29:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< .We'd be in these huge pastures and trying to sort specific pairs out of 
the herd and put them in the adjoining pasture...there were all sorts of badger holes and was pretty much absolute 
mayhem...our Arabs would get so excited that we'd usually have to give up and 
go home and get the "good ole boys"... >>

Dang.  I grew up cattle ranching, and those Ay-rabs were the only ones that 
could work all day and still have the energy to sort a cow or to return a 
stray to the bunch at the end of the day if we happened to be moving 'em.  
Can't imagine having to do serious cow work in rough country without those 
agile, active Arabs...  Went to endurance riding from that, and thought how 
amazingly simple this sport was, cuz you could stay on the trail all the time!


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