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Fwd: RC: Re: Re: RE: worlds youngest rider

In a message dated 10/11/2000 8:29:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, BMcCrary27 

<< << In a message dated 10/10/00 7:57:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
   << I HAVE seen situations where the
    kids seems to be bullied into riding......
    seems a general rule would be a idea, just as other AERC rules. >> >> >>
 Not my post, someone else's.  I answered that one by saying that I hate to 
see AERC make another rule just because ONE person did something out of the 
 Barbara >>

---- Begin included message ----
In a message dated 10/10/2000 8:29:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, SandyDSA 

<< n a message dated 10/10/00 7:57:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
  << I HAVE seen situations where the
   kids seems to be bullied into riding......
   seems a general rule would be a idea, just as other AERC rules. >> >> >>

Not my post, someone else's.  I answered that one by saying that I hate to 
see AERC make another rule just because ONE person did something out of the 

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