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RE: FEI Endurance

Michael Stone:

Please realize this message is not to you personally but to the FEI as an

Michael I presume the posting to the Ride Camp is the position of the FEI. I
feel that this is a very offensive statement to the world of endurance
riding and to the competitors of the United States in particular. Initially,
who, what and why has directed the FEI to dictate to the world the
conditions for participating in endurance riding? The Statement "made it
possible to recognize the achievements of Endurance riders both in financial
and prestige terms." is offensive to most American riders and particularly
me. It is not for the financial gain that I ride nor is it for the prestige
that I cherish the experiences that I have had with my horses.

You also state; "Those are gone, we now have a sport where people are
professional, horses have become valuable and prize money is becoming
significant." My horses have always been valuable. Perhaps not in the FEI
connotation but non-the-less valuable to me as they are mine. The prize
money is significant because a particular society cannot imagine separating
money from success. Some of us measure success in other terms, not financial
ones. If the FEI deems being professional as a criteria for competition,
then the FEI should public ally so state. When the sport is elevated to the
professional status it then is no longer a "sport" but a business. Please
have the FEI explain, is endurance riding a sport or does the FEI wish to
classify it as a business?

You then have the audacity to state; "But FEI Endurance is just that "FEI
Endurance" and we have rules that cover the whole world, if you want to
participate with us you are more than welcome, if not we will be sorry but
the development will continue with or without you.".

Thank you for your invitation to join. But the where did you get the
aggrandized concept that the FEI covers the world? FEI Endurance does not
cover the world. It covers those riders who wish to suborn themselves to a
dictatorial faction controlled by the claque with the most readily available

Finally, "I will be in Reno for your convention and you will have the
opportunity to "hang" me before our friend does the drawing and
quartering!!" I for one, sincerely plan on meeting with you to better
understand the FEI concept and the rigidity of your stance. Perhaps we can,
by sensible discussion, reveal to you the concept and ideals imbued in the
American way of participation in endurance riding.

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID (USA)

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 8:35 AM
Subject: RC: FEI Endurance

Michael Stone, FEI Assistant Secretary General

Dear Friends of Endurance,

I was interested to read that I should be drawn and quatered especially by
who I have never met or spoken too and who obviously finds it difficult
to understand the written word.

The FEI are simply enforcing a qualification rule that has been
applied to Europe and the Middle East for the past two years and
will not come into effect for the USA until the 2002 WEC.

To make it easier for US riders to achieve this qualification,
we have made the organisation of FEI rides much easier, and less expensive
and the sponsorship by the UAE has made it possible to
recognise the achievements of Endurance riders both in financial and
prestige terms. Is this such a terrible thing, and surely not drawing and

 Endurance is now the fastest growing Equestrian Sport.
This is bringing many challanges.We cannot afford the luxury of
putting our head in the sand and wishing for the "old days". Those are gone,
we now have a sport where people are professional, horses have become
and prizemeney is becoming significant. This cannot be reversed.
The FEI want a strong USA participation in International Endurance, we want
your help in continuing to grow and develop the sport. But FEI Endurance is
just that "FEI Endurance" and we have rules that cover the whole world, if
you want to
participate with us you are more than welcome, if not we will be sorry but
the development
will continue with or without you.

Finally to Mary Gabbiani, I wish you would put "your money where your mouth
is" and to everyone else
I will be in Reno for your convention and you will have the opportunity to
"hang" me
before our friend does the drawing and quatering!!

Thank you

Michael Stone.

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