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Re: Re: Stallions in endurance

----- Original Message -----
From: Becky Huffman <>> Obviously, the endurance successes
themselves are not genetic, but physical > and mental
characteristics/traits/types are.  Characteristics that > contribute to a
horse being able to do the miles or not, or maybe he can do > them, but he
needs a lot of, or special, management.

So now I am talking to myself,...  it is sunny outside, I should be riding.

I delete a lot of ridecamp posts from people who are trying to ride
endurance on their 'beloved'.  I don't mean any offense, but for example the
person earlier who was discussing problems because her horse had a long
back.  She has reasons for riding the horse she does, and I respect that,
she made clear that she is aware of the problem and is working with it.

People post endlessly about horses that won't eat or drink enough, or have
hoof angle and quality problems, etc... I could make quite a list...  my
point is that these are, for the most part, genetic traits.(Barring
incorrect care/management)

I am *Not* flaming anyone for using the horses that have available, or have
a relationship with, but I think it is **Wonderful** that Selim and Bob have
taken the time and effort to start on the kind of research that can benefit
us all.  It amazes me that people will claim that you can't breed for an
endurance horse.  Every other sport in the world breeds specific lines for
their people, what is wrong with us??!?!?!?!

Becky Huffman
Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~

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