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Re: RC: x-factor/heart scores

In a message dated 3/5/00 9:58:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< What I interpret Ti as saying, and as a stallion owner I
 agree with 100% is that you can have all the natural ability of the
 world and it does no good unless properly developed AND I cannot say my
 stallion's offspring will be winners just because they have inherited
 certain characteristics (much as I would like to do so). >>

Breed the "best to the best" and you get regressino to the norm of the 
families--that's genetics. As far as stallions and mares are concerned, you 
can try to assemble "all the right stuff" and "hope for the best", but that's 
just this side of dumb luck. What you really want to do is take the 
measurements that you can and breed for genuine measureable athletic 
characteristics. Problem is, we only know about a few of these, and some of 
the more important are hidden deep in hormonal genetic expression. Very 
difficult to sort out and put down on a chart. 

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