Saturday, September 8, 2007

Moving Far Up

Today was another good day, as they all tend to be from the back of a horse.

Riding Far is like going to a good dancehall on a Saturday night and dancing until close. I rode Far with Jim and Clydea at Camp Creek today - we did 11.2 tough, hilly, hot, sandy miles. All three horses got a good workout. Far was an absolute champ - eager, willing, forward, smooth and supple. He enjoyed moving out at a great speed and did nothing but accommodate my every request. We tested him out a little by having Clydea trot by, and although his walk got *extremely* fast, he did not attempt to trot to keep up with Zeb.

He had his first experience of cholla - had a few bucks and then waited patiently for me to remove them. We also saw a coyote with a complete and whole deer head in its mouth. Clydea says they are cold-blooded killers 8-0.

He ate, drank and always wanted more. Tomorrow we will go and do 15 miles...

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