Friday, July 13, 2007

Far's Out Walking

Dr. Ralstead came out yesterday to change Far's bandages and we all gasped with delight when we saw the progress the wound has made. Dr. Sickler was right! She predicted that this week would be a milestone week. The very deep cutting back of the flesh and proud flesh last week proved to really help the progression of the healing process: the two sides are very close to touching - there is still no hole - and the flesh is looking pink and healthy. The flesh over the joint is less thick, and both vets predict the thickening around the joint will continue to reduce.

Far has been enjoying his own 1/6th of the paddock; he now gets Timothy as well as Bermuda, since he is moving around more, and his weight is picking up. His feet are an absolute mess - he was due to be reshod the week he got hurt - and I hope the farrier will come out early next week. He now enjoys the nightly sleeping comfort of the wash; the shade of the Ironwood tree during the day and he trots around from time to time - as sound as a bell.

This morning I awoke to the sound of commotion outside. He and Rocky were rearing and biting and playing and kicking over the fence - tearing a strip out of each other and having a very fun time of it. I was cringing and rushed outside to distract the adolescents with some fresh hay. Far was cantering around and got himself worked up into quite a sweat. I was particularly unimpressed.

After their beet pulp, I took Far out and and hand-walked him about a mile. I wanted to get on and ride him, but I am heeding the advice of Dr. Ralstead and Rusty, and waiting just one more week, if I can :-) Far seemed pleased to be out - if only for the mental stimulation. He got bug-eyed and very tentative as he saw the desert again after weeks of looking at it from jail.

Removing the bandage - it was a tough week on the bandage - we actually got 15 minutes of rain for the first time since March, and the thing had begun to sag.

You can hear the gasps of pleasure as the progress is revealed. What a delight to see.

The wound is cleaned and looks even more impressive. The shoeing is looking pathetic - the one remaining back shoe is slipping further and further back.

Side elevations - the thickening in the joint is still apparent, but is definitely reducing.

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