Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Far Along: Day 15 - Removal of Sutures & Splint!

Dr. Sickler came out today for the third bandage change. She continues to remain optimistic about the progress and his future. There has been some good progress in the last five days - a fair amount of granulation tissue has formed, particularly up from the bottom of the wound. The tissue has formed nicely - level with the flesh. Five days ago, Stacey could put more of her finger into the wound, so the tissue is growing from the inside out - as we would hope.

The sutures were removed, and there was a good amount of bleeding, which is also encouraging and signifies the flesh is still very much alive. Once the sutures were gone, the flap of skin immediately over the fetlock looked less attached, and Dr. Sickler is sure that we will have a bump there that can be somewhat managed with DMSO gel later. She continues to feel he will remain sound.

She applied another amnionic tissue patch, which will no doubt create a delightful odor for the next bandage change in four days. She thinks he is right on schedule; that he will need to spend two more weeks in the stall and that we will be very pleased with the way this all looks by then.

Far gets to enjoy a splint-free recovery henceforth.

Over and out.

Cleaning the wound: less of the finger can be inserted; granulation tissue looks healthy.

Sutures are removed; wound looks more open, for obvious reasons.

The wound is bleeding and therefore the flesh is alive and healthy; application of the second amnionic tissue patch.

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