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Re: RC: Convention Trade Show

On Sat, 18 Dec 1999 12:53:35 -0500, Rides 2 Far <>

>  The non-member fee is pure gravy,
>>paying for member services (or Doyle's salary?).

>Cheap shot Joe.  Do you prefer office workers who just skim off the money
>they need from the general funds, or the ones who simply sue us?  We've
>already tried that approach haven't we?

Well, perhaps it was, but then what is your paragraph above?  I don't
like things that have been happening to the AERC under Doyle's
management, that's true.

>At one time I called Endurance News "Endurance Pravda"  I honestly felt
>that the news was filtered to us, the "letters" section went from being a
>place where people wrote and complained, to publishing Thank you notes
>that had been sent to the office.

Speaking of the "letters" section, last spring Doyle printed a portion
of one of my Ridecamp posts *without my permission* -- setting up (by
the editing) a straw man for someone supporting Doyle's position to
attack.  When I called and complained, Doyle claimed that he had a
right to print any part of my Ridecamp post he wanted to, whether I
liked it or not.  He then did *not* print my response to the attack on
my post.  Is that the kind of person you want publishing Endurance
News?  I don't.


Joe Long     Business    Personal

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