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Hi Lucy,
Well Loading can be tricky but persist.  Do you open up the partician and let her go up wit the whole of the float visible?  Some horses even like the front door open letting in the light.  It could be a problem with her eyes adjusting to the light at her age.
Is it a step up or a ramp?  I have trained all of my horses on a knotted halter and long lead to lunge behind the float gradually moving up onto the ramp then blocking them and forcing them to go up a little more each time.  Don't let them rush back make them stand there and rub them  once they are still let them move back but if the y are fidgetting  don't let them as they will learn quickly as soon as they stand still they can come off. Once you get her in do it a few times and then try again the next day a few times then give it rest for a few days and then try again.
Good Luck
Donna P.

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