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Trailer Stories

I really don't think people really understand how important it is to tie your horse up in a trailer or a truck.  We also use bailing twine off of hay bales as it is quick and easy to break or cut if there is a problem.  Maureen's Idea of tying up to the outside is a fantastic idea, but sometimes it is not able.
A friend had a horse delivered and he was tied up with his lead onto a metal ring.  He fell during the journey and cut himself to pieces, the poor horse was hanging from the rope.  We could not untie it and it was so thick we couldn't cut it.  We were afraid to undo the halter in case he took off of the float and did more damage to himself.  Eventually the problem was solved.
The poor horse should have been put down.  My friend bought him off of the people and kept him to make him better.  For weeks he was stabled and the poor thing ended up with stringhalt from  the accident.
Securing horses is so very important.  Especially all of the surrounding partisions and bars and chains.
Donna P.

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