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Re: Fwd: Oat and Alfalfa Hay

From what I've been able to
> gather, oat and alfalfa work out well together.  Is this true in relation to
> the calcium/phos ratio?  This has been hard for me to gather information
> about. 

The calcium-phosphorus of most oat hays are already nicely balanced at
around 1.2, but can vary, so feeding a little alfalfa as well ensures
that you're getting sufficient calcium, especially for horses that need
a bit more.  It doesn't take much, just a pound or so will do the
trick.  Feeding more than about 25% of the forage portion of the ration
as alfalfa and you're starting to exceed the ideal calcium-phosphorus
balance of 1.2-2.

Hope this helps,
Susan G

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