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Rule number 100......

OKAY you cabin-crazed, wintered-in, over- coffeed bunch of horse nuts,
here's my contribution.  I know, I'm a nit-picker, but, let's be
sexually-correct, and grammatically-correct ....... whenever anyone
(including myself - I do it too!) uses that overused "hee hee" or "he
he", "hee-hee",(you get the idea)  comment we MUST exercise equal
opportunity regarding WHO we are referring to, THEN, say (s)he, (s)he, 
or (s)hee  (s)hee!  

Is that nitty-picky, snowed-in and boring enough for today's "threads" of

Signing off, (s)hee, (s)hee,  Karen Zelinsky
Really snowed in and soon in need of a hamster wheel for me and the
in-barn bunch to work off all of our ya-yas!!  Oh well, the e-mail is a
hamster wheel substitute for the fingers, right?

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