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Re: Rule number 100......

OH Karen, dear Karen,
Your affliction with SADDR seems second only to mine and possibly my
teammate's in it's severity!! Seek help! CALLING DOC BIELEC, are you out
there?  Is there hope.......perhaps a spin on the hotwalker......
-----Original Message-----
From: Karen J. Zelinsky <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, January 08, 1999 12:32 PM
Subject: Rule number 100......

>OKAY you cabin-crazed, wintered-in, over- coffeed bunch of horse nuts,
>here's my contribution.  I know, I'm a nit-picker, but, let's be
>sexually-correct, and grammatically-correct ....... whenever anyone
>(including myself - I do it too!) uses that overused "hee hee" or "he
>he", "hee-hee",(you get the idea)  comment we MUST exercise equal
>opportunity regarding WHO we are referring to, THEN, say (s)he, (s)he,
>or (s)hee  (s)hee!
>Is that nitty-picky, snowed-in and boring enough for today's "threads" of
>Signing off, (s)hee, (s)hee,  Karen Zelinsky
>Really snowed in and soon in need of a hamster wheel for me and the
>in-barn bunch to work off all of our ya-yas!!  Oh well, the e-mail is a
>hamster wheel substitute for the fingers, right?
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
>or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

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