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Re: Re : Bute

In a message dated 1/7/99 1:52:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Heidi , I am not saying that my horse is stoved up , stiff , or back sore
 after a ride and that is why I bute him for the trailer ride home . I was
 just saying that " I " get stiff and sore from setting in the truck for the
 ride home , so why wouldn't my horse be the same way ?  >>

Your horse does not sit in an abnormal position in the trailer the way you do
in the truck, and unless you are pulling a trailer with really tiny slots that
he is stuffed into, he is free to move around to a degree in a way that you
are not.  If you drive conservatively and your trailer is safe and
comfortable, there is no reason why your drive home should cause him to be
stiff or sore if all was well at the ride.  I do get concerned about overly
fatigued horses that trailer out right after the ride without a rest period,
but as I stated earlier, antiinflamatory drugs do NOTHING for fatigue, and in
fact may well complicate the problems if the horse is dehydrated and not
eating well.  I certainly would not consider buting my healthy horse for a
routine trailer ride anywhere else--why is the the trip home from the ride any


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