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Re: Pain Releif in Hard Rides

>thing that I see that is good(in people anyway) is that you can work 
>out some soreness, knots, and tightness, by being able to move and do 
>your normal activities without the pain. 
>Please tell me your opinion on this towards the horses. 

I was so scared of doing my first 100 that I took Advil all through it,
since I was just SURE I'd be in horrible pain towards the end.  I felt
great and attributed it to the Advil.

Then, I was warned about problems with taking too many pain killers, and
since I usually don't really take anything, I didn't take any during my
next 100.  Guess what?  I still felt great afterwards.  I am less sore
after doing a 100 than a 50.  Know why?  I've decided it's because I
always end up getting off and walking a few miles after dark and it works
out the kinks.  The same seems to apply to Kaboot.  He's been not one bit
stiffer after his 100's, but then he walks a lot after dark.  I think
it's much better than finishing a fast 50, going on the picket line, then
going for little walks a couple of times later in the day.

The more I was worried about my horse (and myself) stiffening up, the
more I'd recommend walking.


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