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RE: soybean meal
If you want to compare the types of oils, you can look at:
Cheers, Hugo
> ----------
> Van: Susan Evans Garlinghouse[SMTP:suendavid@worldnet.att.net]
> Antwoord naar: suendavid@worldnet.att.net
> Verzonden: dinsdag 5 januari 1999 8:17
> Aan: Maggie Mieske
> CC: RideCamp@endurance.net
> Onderwerp: Re: soybean meal
> I think the main problem you'll have in buying a 55 gallon drum is how
> to avoid the large amount of air space inside the drum as you use it up,
> which is going to really increase the rate at which it goes
> rancid/oxidizes. I usually suggest that people not buy more than they
> can use up in about two weeks time. However, if you can either pour it
> into smaller jugs, or somehow keep the 55 drum airtight with no air
> introduced as you use it up, then that would be fine. 95% of the
> benefit you're looking for in feeding fats is the caloric density of it,
> and so the source of the oil doesn't matter nearly as much as the
> quality of the oil. So soybean oil is fine.
> As far as the vitamin E content, you might want to check with your
> doctor again about that...soybeans (or soybean oil) have a fairly low E
> content, although it's commonly used as a carrier for other forms of
> vitamin E. So soybean oil itself would not be a source for E, you'd
> have to supplement that elsewhere.
> Susan G
> Maggie Mieske wrote:
> >
> > I don't know about the meal but the nutritionist for the local feed
> store that I
> > consulted suggested that since I feed oil, I might want to consider
> using soybean
> > oil. I can get that even cheaper than the vegetable oil as the feed
> place can buy
> > it in 55 gallon drums... we are checking out how many people we have
> converted to
> > using oil (we have suggested it to several of our clients...hubby is a
> farrier) to
> > see if we'll use it up fast enough. Perhaps Susan has some info on
> soybean oil?
> > I know my dr. prescribed Vitamin E for me, the "real" kind made from
> soybean oil
> > for some hormonal problems and it works!!! Would soybean oil like that
> have the
> > benefits of added Vitamin E? Any additional info is appreciated!
> > Maggie
> >
> > BREJD@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > > Does anyone feed soybean meal for weight gain??? I have feed it to
> my foals
> > > when I wean them and to my endurance horses and they seem to hold
> their weight
> > > better.
> > > I dont know if it really helps, but my vet said to give it a try. My
> babies
> > > look great, and my endurance horses are fat.
> > > Dory
> > >
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