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marking trail

At Graves Mountain we use white aluminum signs about 4x6 or larger with
arrows and ride logos stenciled on them.  We obtain them from a local
sign shop which often can sell us the metal scraps from other work.
They also scanned our logo in and can print it out for transfer to the
signs.  We have 2 holes punched in the sign for hanging on trees and
have them round the corners.  We use the signs with the logos on turns
and as occaisional confidence markers on long straight stretches of
We also have white paint on trees and have painted rocks white for
placement in the open fields.  The cows don't disrupt the rocks like
they will other types of markers.  Of course, in this part of Va we
don't have any shortage of rocks to use for markers.
All of these markers are permanent and the aluminum lasts forever and
looks good..
We also have large 12x16 mileage markers (for every 5th mile) that are
hand painted on wood and mounted only for the ride.
Every mile is marked permanently on the small 4x6 markers as "x" many
miles to go.
We have also used the little flags that are used by utility companies to
mark hazard areas.

We have always been complimented for our well marked trails.  Of course,
Dip Lucy, the ride manager, was a sign painter by trade for many years
so this trail has his special touch.

Sally Aungier
Ride Manager for Graves Mtn 25 for the last 2 years it was run.

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