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Re: foal rejected by mare

Just for the record, Jan, Feb.March 97 issues of Horse and Rider deal with the orphan foal problem etc. and  recommend gentle older nanny horse, mare or gelding for foals up to first 60 plus days to teach equine socialization.  Did pass on the info privately but was amazed how few persons thought it important info or didn't know it was a recommendation.
Great series of articles ... only wish I had purchased the book on Foaling that has just come out...
Just my 2 cents while using the evening finally out of tornado warnings in Cent. Fla from Earl...
To all who get a nice labor day trails.
Linda in DeLeon.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Date: Wednesday, September 02, 1998 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: foal rejected by mare

In a message dated 98-09-02 13:23:24 EDT, writes:

<< If the wild mare still refuses to care for her foal that was stolen by a 3
year old filly, would it make sense to give the foal back to the 3 year old
filly? That way the baby would only be dependant on people for food and not
for companionship and learning how to be  a horse. Just asking....
Stasia  >>

Actually, that's not a bad idea.


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