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Re: Carbos -- a different view

>On Thu, 25 Jun 1998 07:10:03, karen Clanin <> wrote:
>>For this reason alone I think this whole discussion may turn into 
>>nothing more than discussion as I feel the vet committee will have 
>>final say.

I was hoping someone would bring this quote back up, because I deleted it
too quickly.  I do not want the veterinary committee involved at all. 
I'm GLAD Tom and others do this sort of research.  (yes that's what I
said).  I'm thrilled that everybody seems to be trying all sorts of
things to improve tack, feeding, hauling, shoeing, confining (as in
corrals)...I like things wide open to change.

I think the very reason this is such a great sport is that we have
allowed everyone to try whatever they have a hunch MIGHT work, not things
that have been proven to work, as if this is the USDA or
long as they don't hurt the horse.  If Tom's horses can pass the standard
vet exam, more power to them! 

I decided a few years ago, anyone who doesn't do things like I do them is
part of my "Research and Development "wing.  I'll watch them, and if it
works, I'll be perfectly happy to copy them.  All I ask is, "Don't tell
me, SHOW me!"

Angie (Hey Tom, at least our political ideas mesh)

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