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Re: Negative Treatment Towards LD riders and horses!

>Let me give just a few examples of the 'treatment' or 'attitude' I have experienced while doing limited distance rides here in California:
>	the first ride I did with my daughter we were at a water tank, each of us on opposite sides and our horses 'were' drinking, in comes a greater distance rider at a fast pace who allowed her horse to literally plow into my daughters horse, almost knocking them down, without even muttering so much as a 'gee sorry'.  whether we were limited distance or not, that was extremely poor manners.
>	many times we have been going along a single track trail to hear "50 coming" yelled at us from behind, like where in hell should we move to to let the 'fabulous 50' go by?  if you don't or can't move over instantly riders with this attitude will ride your horses tail until they can shove you over.
>	coming in to a vet check at base camp on a 30 where there were no other horses/riders waiting, not even a 50 miler, to have the 2 vets continue yammering among themselves after seeing us standing right in front of them for a good 10 minutes -- using up 10 minutes of our 30 minute hold time which could well have been used to let our horses eat and drink and learn to 'kick back' before going out again.
>	being told that the hay at the vet check out on the trail is NOT for the limited distance horses so please stay out of it -- well, golly gee, if we're 'training' our horses for further distances shouldn't we be trying to 'train' them to eat when they have the chance?
>I have no problem yielding to riders doing greater distance -- if I'm asked politely to do so, but I do resent it when others 'assume' it is their 'god give right' to deserve more than I and my horse. To my knowledge there is nothing in the rules that says the greater distance riders are to be given preference on the trail or at vet checks, I fully understand that they are in a 'race' and don't mind them going first but do resent the attitude of many to go first no matter where they are.  Manners are manners and people that are treating others like this, with this attitude, at a ride are no doubt this way in their general life. 
>I agree that most rides are finiancially dependant upon the limited distance entries and if the limited distance entries were not there no doubt the number of rides available would be down greatly from where they are today. 
>Since limited distance rides are 'training rides' I do agree that there should not be placements, to many riders in limited distance are not experienced enough and can hurt their horses.  However I do believe that it would be in the better interest of the sport if all limited distance rides would give a 'best conditioned' award, and even take it further by offering more than one placement for 'best conditioned'. Help teach the beginner and make that award something to shoot for.
>This attitude of limited distance being 'lesser' can sometimes come from ride management and the attending veterinarians as well, veterinarians need to realize that many limited distance people need to have more time taken with them so they can learn -- not given less of a going over because they are limited distance.  As far as ride management goes, each entry regardless of distance, should be looked at as a 'customer' and all 'customers' should be treated equally in regards to respect!
>Karen Clanin

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