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Re: spooking horses...

>   Then, you will be face with the "I don't really want to work today so
> I think I'll spook at everything" syndrome!  But, alas, that is another
> story and one you come to recognize!

Ah yes, my horse pulled this one on me for quite awhile.  took the
stupid human a good 4 months to figure out <G>

He had figured out that if he spooked, he could drop out of a trot and
walk 3-4 steps.  All it took was one smack on the buttus with the crop,
and then all I had to do was stick it out where he could see that it was
still there.  I could see him think about it, and then he'd seem to go
ummmm nope, nope, that butt-smacky thing is still there...

Now all I ever have to do is break a 4" twig off of a bush to show him .


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